My dining room chandelier. I like this better in black and white because in color it looked a little off. There was way too much red in the picture even after I edited it, so I like it in black and white since you can really see the picture for what it is. I also love that even though it's black and white their is a sense of light and color because I had the light turned on.

Some figures. :) I really like this one in black and white because of the shadows. You can see them more in black and white, they are darker. I love the contrast with the white of the figures and the shadows.

Some of my jewelry. I really like this one in black and white because your eye goes to the "Believe" on the necklace, which was my original intention when taking this picture. Although in color it looked good, there was so much color that you didn't see the words as much. I definitely think that the black and white made this picture.

Some wooden roses. I don't know if I can say that I like this picture better in black and white, but I do love it. The lighting was perfect when I took the picture, so when I changed it to black and white it really enhanced the shadows. As well, in black and white you can see more detail.

A star. I honestly don't like this picture better in color or in black and white. Although the picture seems a lot more simple in black and white, which I do like a lot.

My families stuffed TOTORO! :) I love this picture in black and white because you see his face more. In color the little leaf on his head was the only color so your eye went to it instead of his face. This picture also just makes me happy. I grew up watching the movie "Totoro", so this picture makes me feel like a kid again.

A little tree. This picture is better in black and white because there it doesn't feel as cluttered. With all the different shades of green the picture was a little overwhelming in color. I really like the angle of this picture. I got down on the floor and took this picture from the bottom up and I think it gives it a cool effect.

My neighbor's trees. I like this picture in black and white because it makes it more simple. Which is one of my favorite things about it.

Some stylin' polka dot boots! :) I really like this picture in black and white because you see the circles and curves more. In color you only saw the polka dots because they were colorful. I also like that this picture is just fun!