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Monday, April 22, 2013

some nights . . .

So I did find this assignment pretty challenging. Not only was it hard to find the perfect subject, but since I don't have a tripod, I had to find a way to set up my camera as well. Once I was able to get all of that fun stuff worked out, it wasn't too horribly hard. I mean, I just had to press the shutter button and wait. Even though it took a lot of time and I think my hands almost froze off from the cold night, I really enjoyed this assignment. I felt like I learned a lot just going out and taking the photos. I'd never tried taking photos at night of things other than people, so it was a very different experience. Anyway, enjoy! :)


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Saturday, April 13, 2013

it feels like a perfect night


So, OHSU's prom was yesterday and I was fortunate enough to go with my wonderful brother and his date, my best friend, Jizelle. The entire night was an absolute blast!
The prom was held at the state capitol building, which is BEAUTIFUL. We got there quite a bit early so we decided to take some photos! Michelle, Jizelle's mom, has a fabulous camera and was kind enough to let me steal it from her for a bit while we took the photos. Some of them are pretty dang cute so I figured I'd share them with y'all on here. Let me know what you think! I felt like I was taking engagement photos, tbh :)

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I think I'd have a cubomani-attack

So this week we learned about cubomania photos and had to make our own! I actually found this assignment really fun and challenging. I decided to use a photo that I took of my friends at ballet because I thought that their tutus, legs, and feet would make a super interesting photo. It was definitely a big task to try and cut up the photos (I used color and black & white!) and put them together to create the effect that I wanted. After a little while I got more comfortable and was able to find the perfect place much easier. To begin with I was lining up each piece, but then I decided to try mixing it more. I ended up doing tons of different shapes and sizes of squares and rectangles.  I personally really like the finished product, but please let me know what you think in the comments! :)


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